CONSUMER INFORMATION (Annual Notice of Disclosures)
Mid-America Technology Center offers over 33 full-time career majors and numerous adult and career development courses in the evening that represent many of the high-demand trades in the region. It is our mission, “To enrich economic growth by providing quality education and training.”
Contents of the Consumer Information Guide include information on the following:
Facilities-including name, location, square footage, faculty and programs
Entities that License and Accredit
- Rights and Responsibilities of Recipients including Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Student Services Available
Description of Special Services and Facilities for Disabled Students
Assessment Center
Dropout Recovery (GED)
Academic Enhancement
Counseling Services
- College Services
Financial Assistance Available Including the Following:
Title IV Programs including Basic Eligibility Requirements, Definitions, Application Procedures,
Eligibility Requirements, Criteria for Selection and Methods and Frequency of Disbursements
Definition of a Regular Student
How to Apply for Federal Student Aid
How Need is Determined including Federal Needs Analysis, Use of Professional Judgment and
Institutional Costs & NetPrice Calculator
Academic Year Definition – 900 clock hours/26 weeks
Other Programs Available Including Scholarships, Sponsorships, and Veterans Educational Assistance
Satisfactory Progress including How to Maintain Eligibility, Transfer Students, Withdrawals or
Incompletes and Repeating Coursework
Institutional Information – including School Refund Policy, Return of Title IV Funds Refund Policy, Period of Enrollment, Overpayments and Post-Withdrawal Disbursements
Verification Policies and Procedures for Recipients of Title IV Financial Aid
Drug and Alcohol Policies, Programs Available and Penalties for Violations
Student Completion, Graduation, Placement, Retention Rates & Diversity
Campus Security including Crime Statistics for Criminal Offenses, Hate Crimes and Arrests for the following: Murder, Negligent Manslaughter, Sex Offenses, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft, Arson, and referrals for disciplinary actions, including: liquor law violations, and weapons possession, hate crimes, including: number and type, larceny-theft, assault, intimidation, vandalism, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking
Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures, Whistleblower Protection, Disciplinary Proceedings and Violence Against Women
Cybersecurity and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
Copyright Infringement and Peer to Peer File Sharing Policies
Textbook Information & Opt Out Policies
Constitution Day and Voter Registration
Program Licensure and Certifications
Vaccination Policies
Scholarship/Financial Aid Fraud
NSLDS & Loans
Return to Title IV Worksheets and Sample Calculations
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Formula
Validity of High School Diploma/GED
Student Complaint to State Accrediting Agency (Oklahoma Dept. of Career & Tech Ed)
- Consumer Information Disclosures at a Glance
For more information regarding Consumer Information or for a hard copy of the Consumer Information Guide, contact Karen Hemmerling, Director of Federal Programs in the Health Building at 572-215-2060.