District » Student Handbook

Student Handbook

General Information

This handbook has been designed to acquaint students with the policies and procedures of Mid-America Technology Center. You will find important information in it. Keep it as a ready reference so that you and your parents may stay aware of the services, opportunities, and regulations which are current at your school. Each student is held responsible for knowing and abiding by these policies and others which may be prepared and posted throughout the year.

Mid-America Technology Center does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, age, or any other characteristic protected by law and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and its regulations, including in admissions and employment. Title IX Coordinator Dallas Krout – Director of Student Services, [email protected] 504 Coordinator Shelly Eubank – Special Services Coordinator, [email protected] 572-215-2060, 27438 State Hwy 59, Wayne, OK 73095. For further information on non-discrimination, visit Office of Civil Rights by clicking here for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.


Notification to Parents

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford parents and eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. When a student reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level these rights are transferred to the student. (An eligible student, under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution.) These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day Mid-America Technology Center receives a request for access. A parent or eligible student should submit to the Deputy Superintendent, Denny Prince a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the school official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the parent or eligible student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

  2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the parent or eligible student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy rights under FERPA.

    • A parent or eligible student who wishes to ask the school to amend a record should write the school official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed.

    • If the school decides not to amend the record as requested, the school will notify the parent or eligible student in writing of the decision and the student's right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Addi­tional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.

  3. The right to provide written consent before the Technology Center discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

    • The school discloses education records without a student's prior written consent under the FERPA excep­tion for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person em­ployed by Mid-America in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (in­cluding law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of Mid-America who performs an institutional service of func­tion for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such as an attorney, audi­tor, or collection agent or a student volunteering to assist another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for Mid-America.

  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Mid­-America Technology Center to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202

Mid-America Technology Center's mission is to provide a competitive advantage for workforce and economic growth through quality education and training. The Board is dedicated to the philosophy of having the best training opportunities available for the communities we serve. The administration is committed to finding and developing the best teachers, trainers, and support staff to facilitate our mission. The staff are continually improving their methods and strategies to prepare the workforce necessary to fill the skills gap. The students are passionate about accepting the challenge to train, prepare, and learn to be the workforce and leaders and in our communities, state, nation and beyond.

I am prepared to invest time, energy, and resources into your growth as an individual and see you attain comfort, peace, and freedom. I am excited that you have accepted this challenge, recognizing the sacrifices that are necessary be a successful student. You have chosen to be a part of a team with a rich history of success. I look forward to working with you and celebrating your achievements as a student at Mid-America Technology Center.

Mike Eubank

Morning session – 8:10 – 11:10 a.m.
Afternoon session – 12:45 – 3:45 p.m.

Break Time (Time varies by class) Length 10 Minutes

District Calendar

Mid-America Technology Center mission: Providing a competitive advantage for workforce and economic growth through quality education and training.

Mid-America Technology Center

  • Is recognized for quality education, training, leadership, and service
  • Provides a climate where all stakeholders can experience success
  • Is recognized as a leader in economic development
  • Provides an atmosphere where every individual is valued
  • Continues to stay on the leading edge of technology, innovation and
  • emerging workforce trends
  • Continues to maximize return on investment
  • Integrity
  • Quality
  • Innovation
  • Success
  • Responsibility

To invest in staff, programs, and students to provide resources necessary for a workforce development educational experience that prepares the unemployed to work, the underemployed to approach their professional potential, the high school and college-bound student to be prepared for success in their post-secondary education pursuits or career path, and the businesses in the district to economically benefit from the presence of a skilled local workforce.

We believe that Mid-America Technology Center has the opportunity and privilege to provide the technical education necessary to prepare all students of our district with skills and know-how to be useful, productive, self-supporting citizens. Realizing that individual differences exist and that technology is constantly changing, we still believe that every student must have the opportunity to develop his or her aptitudes to the fullest potential. We will endeavor to include the following:

  1. Placing emphasis on the importance of the American Free Enterprise System.
  2. Expanding of skills and technical training will be concentrated in the area of greatest need.
  3. Providing occupational orientation and exploratory experiences for all persons at all levels in order that reasonable, enlightened and long-range decisions may be made about career choice.
  4. Improving the image of work in order that students, parents and the public may know of the dignity, challenge and satisfaction (intellectual and financial) of a skilled or technical occupation.
  5. Facilitating access into occupational educational programs for those adults who have dropped out of the formal education program before graduating from high school.

Our aims reflect a firm philosophy that technical education should equip every in­dividual, to the extent that ability permits, with the competence to attain economic, social, intellectual and spiritual goals in a democratic society.

The success of a business is greatly influenced by the dependability and productiv­ity of its employees, which is impacted by their attendance at work. Most potential employers will NOT consider hiring an applicant who had a poor attendance record at Mid-America. Additionally, every instructor will deliver meaningful instruction and assign appropriate hands-on activities each day. Therefore, students are expected to be in class every day and take care of personal business on their own time.


There are NO excused absences. Each student is counted as present or absent for each day Mid-America is in session. Students missing 50% or more of a class period will be considered absent for that day.

The following steps shall be utilized when dealing with Absences from
Full-Time Career Majors:

  1. Attendance is monitored on a Semester Basis. After the equivalent of 9 -15 hours of absences in each semester, the parent or guardian will be con­tacted with supporting documentation. The instructor conferences with the student.
  2. fter the equivalent of 18-27 hours of absences, the parent or guardian will be contacted with supporting documentation. The counselor/administrator conferences with the student and the parent/guardian and places the student on a probationary contract outlining expectations and consequences.
  3. After the equivalent of 30 hours of absences in a semester, a secondary student who vio­lates the attendance probationary contract may receive a "no credit/no grade" for the course and/ or semester.

Students who do not meet the minimum career major or certification attendance requirements may be withdrawn from a career major. Students are automatically withdrawn after missing 30 consecutive hours with no efforts being made to contact their instructor or administrator.

A student is considered truant if he/ she intentionally fails to comply with the manda­tory Oklahoma School Attendance Law. If a student is truant, no make-up work will be allowed, and a grade of zero ( 0) will be issued for the time the student is truant. Additional disciplinary action may be taken.

Note: Authorized participation at home-school activities will not count as absences. These absences must be reported to the Student Services Secretary by the High School Principal (no exceptions).

Class Hours:
Morning session – 8:10 – 11:10 a.m.
Afternoon session – 12:45 – 3:45 p.m.

Tardiness is considered to be a poor work habit, and excessive tardiness may result in dismissal from the program. A student will be considered tardy if he/ she arrives after the start of class. Students missing 50% or more of a class period will be considered absent for that day.

A student who leaves before the scheduled end of class may be considered absent for the entire day unless he/she has checked out with the Student Services Secretary. Secondary students must have parental/guardian permission.  Students missing 50% or more of a class period will be considered absent for that day.

There are NO excused absences. Each student is counted as present or absent for each day Mid-America is in session.

Good attendance reflects dependability and productivity, both good work habits, which should be rewarded. Perfect attendance will be rewarded throughout the se­mester and recognized at the end of the year.

Students who are absent for reasons beyond their control for an extended period as a result of hospitalization, car wreck, etc. may request an extenuating circumstances conference with a counselor for consideration to extenuate the days absent. Extenuating circumstances must be approved by an administrator.

Students are expected to make up the work missed while they were absent. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor and make arrangements to complete the work missed. Students will be given one (1) day to make up work for each day missed.


(LPN guidelines are listed separately within the department)

Adult students are expected to attend class every day and be on time. Violation of this policy may result in dismissal from the program. Full-time students are allowed up to 60 excused hours (10 days) of absences per semester; half-time students are allowed up to 30 excused hours (10 days) of absences per semester (this includes illness, funerals, doctor ap­pointments, etc.).  Students missing 50% or more of a class period will be considered absent for that day.

The following absences are exempt and will not count towards the 60 (Full-time) or 30 (Half-time) hours.

  • Subpoenaed Jury Duty
  • Subpoenaed Court Appearances
  • Military Duty

Documentation of these absences should be given to the Student Services Registrar.

Class Hours:
Morning session – 8:10 – 11:10 a.m.
Afternoon session – 12:45 – 3:45 p.m.

A Leave of Absence (LOA) will be considered on a case-by-case basis (e.g. extended illness or serious injury) and may not exceed 60 days within a 12 month period. An LOA must be a minimum of 15 hours.

The LOA must be requested by the student on or before the 12th hour of consecutive absence. The LOA form should be requested by the student from the Student Services Secretary. Upon completion of the form, the student must contact the Deputy Superintendent and provide appropriate documentation for the leave to be considered.

A Leave of Absence (LOA) may be granted if the student is unable to request the leave on or before the 12th hour of absence due to unforeseen circumstances (such as a car wreck) as long as the student provides documentation at a later date.

  1. Attendance is monitored on a Semester Basis. After the equivalent of 9 hours of absences, the instructor conferences with the student.
  2. After the equivalent of 18 hours of absences, the counselor/administrator conferences with the student and places the student on a probationary contract lining expectations and consequences.
  3. After the equivalent of 30 hours of absences, a student who violates the at­tendance probationary contract may receive a "no credit/no grade" for the course and/ or semester.

Adults with unsatisfactory attendance and/or a failing grade may be withdrawn from their career major/program of study.

Students who miss 30 consecutive hours (half-time) and 60 consecutive hours (full-time) and have made no attempt to contact their instructor or administrator will be automatically withdrawn from their career major of study.

Adult evening classes are offered each Fall, Spring and Summer semester. Interested persons should contact the adult evening Program Specialist, or the Adult Registrar for a schedule of course offerings, fees, etc.

Course changes during the first few weeks of the school year and the second semes­ter, will be made only if it appears to be in the best interest of the student. All changes must be made at the beginning of semesters and must be approved by a counselor.

High school Juniors and Seniors who show an interest in technical training and an aptitude in the area of his or her choice may apply for enrollment. The enrollment is subject to the approval of the home high school and Mid-America. Every effort will be made to counsel prospective students to select a career major in which they have a reasonable opportunity for success. Enrollment will not be complete until each student and/ or parent has signed and turned in the Student Data forms and attends orientation. Adult students may contact the school for enrollment information.

In technical courses, part of the time period is spent in theory and part in a laboratory.

The student's grade will be derived from his/her performance on course assignments, tests, and laboratory assignments. The resulting grades will then be totaled and a composite numerical grade determined. This numerical grade will be translated to a letter grade, based on the following scale:

Below 60%

Secondary students will spend one-half of the school day (3 hours) at the Technology Cen­ter and the other half at their home schools. Morning classes will be held from 8:10-11:10 and afternoon classes from 12:45-3:45. Students enrolled at the Technology Center may earn up to four elective units of credit per school year if course requirements are met.

Mid-America will offer academic classes for those high school students who are un­able to take all the courses in math and science required by the state for graduation and still be able to take a career major offered at Mid-America. Approval must be given by the sending high school. Students who are enrolled in any course will be expected to be present in that class each day they are present in their career major unless prior arrangements have been made by their career major instructor and the Academic Instructor. Attendance requirements for academic classes are consistent with the attendance requirements of the student handbook. Students enrolled in Cosmetology and Pre-Nursing are ineligible to be enrolled in an aca­demic course because of conflicts with the State Department of Cosmetology and clinical hour requirements.

Mid-America will offer online academic courses, other than the academic courses offered at Mid-America, for those high school students who are unable to take all the courses required by the state for graduation and still be able to take a career major offered at Mid-America. Students who desire to increase the academic rigor of their high school transcript may take upper-level mathematics (above Algebra II) and sci­ence classes through online instruction. Approval must be given by the sending high school. Students who re-enrolled in an online academic course will be expected to complete the course in the allotted time frame with a passing grade. Mid-America will pay the cost of tuition for the online academic course provided the student com­pletes the course with a passing grade. Parents and students will be expected to sign a contract agreeing to pay for any online academic course in which the student does not pass. While Mid-America agrees to provide assistance to students enrolled in an online academic course, it is the sole responsibility of the student to meet course requirements, deadlines, and any regulations of the online institution.

Each career major offered will include a Work-Based Experience. The WBE is de­signed to be delivered as an integrated component within the courses taken by the individual student. The purpose of the WBE is for personal development, leadership, and employability skills. Students may also undertake special projects, cross-train, or participate in workplace learning opportunities to enhance skills in accordance with industry demands. WBE's must be approved prior to the student's absence.

Progress Reports will be given out during each semester. Grades for secondary stu­dents will be sent to home schools for recording.

Each student is expected to make progress toward completion of the major being taken. A student is considered to be progressing toward completion if the student maintains a grade of "C" and the student's attendance is within the limits prescribed in the attendance policy.

Each student is expected to take and pass certification exams and competency tests associated with the career major for which they have enrolled and to be in good standing with their teacher. Students in good standing have exhibited a desire to cooperate with teachers and students in the program and contribute to a positive environment in the classroom. Students who cause disruptions and distract from the learning process will not be considered to be in good standing. Students not in good standing will need permission from the Deputy Superintendent or with one of the Directors for re-enrollment.

Students who make less than a "C" average during their first year, or have not passed certification exams or competency tests associated with the career major for which they have enrolled must have the approval of their teacher before they will be permitted to return for the second year of training.

Any student, employee, or patron of Mid-America Technology Center, who believes there exists a violation, misinterpretation, or inequitable application of the Policies and Administrative Regulations, or discrimination or harassment in programs/ser­vices, on the basis of race, color, sex, pregnancy, gender, gender expression or identity, national origin, religion, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, age, or genetic information may seek resolution of the situation.

It is the desire of Mid-America Technology Center that any grievance might be re­solved in an informal manner. This would include discussing the problem or griev­ance with an instructor, a counselor, or an administrator. However, in situations where a solution cannot be reached in this informal manner, steps for a formal hearing of the problem are detailed in the grievance procedures available in the Student Services Office, or from an administrator.

If the grievance cannot be resolved through the above process; MATC is accredited by the Oklahoma Board of Career and Technology Education. House Concurrent Resolution 1081, requires our State Agency to have a complaint policy. Comments or Complaints may be submitted to Russell Ray, Communications and Marketing – Chief Communications Marketing Officer at [email protected]. You may also find a downloadable form to complete at https://oklahoma.gov/content/dam/ok/en/careertech/policies/comments-or-complaints/response-form.doc

As used in the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act:

  1. ''Bullying" means any pattern of harassment, intimidation, threatening behavior, physical acts, verbal or electronic communication directed to­ward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably per­ceived as being done with the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school's educational mis­sion or the education of any student;
  2. "At school" means on school grounds, in school vehicles, at school-spon­sored activities, or at school-sanctioned events;
  3. "Electronic communication'' means the communication of any written, verbal, pictorial information or video content by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, a mobile or cellular tele­phone, or other wireless telecommunication devices, or a computer.
  4. "Threatening behavior" means any pattern of behavior or isolated ac­tion, whether or not it is directed at another person, that a reasonable person would believe indicates the potential for future harm to students, school personnel, or school property.

No student will be subjected to hazing, harassment, or any other form of persecu­tion by any student or employee at school or on school-sponsored activities. Mid­America specifically prohibits threatening behavior, harassment, intimidation, and bullying by students at school and/ or by electronic communication, whether or not such communication originated at school or with school equipment.

A copy of Mid-America Technology Center's policy on harassment, intimidation, and bullying is available upon request. Students or staff who are the victims or witnesses to acts of harassment, intimidation, bullying, or threatening behavior are encouraged to inform Denny Prince, Deputy Superintendent, or Dallas Krout Title IX Coordinator.

Definition: Sexual harassment is behavior of a sexual nature which creates a situa­tion in which an individual is made to feel uncomfortable in the work and/or learn­ing environment. This behavior may be in the form of:

  1. Unwelcome sexual advances
  2. Verbal or written comments
  3. Suggestive/explicit jokes
  4. Sexual objects or pictures
  5. Unreasonable differential treatment based on gender
  6. Unwelcome physical contact
  7. Other actions/ conduct which are sexually offensive

Policy: It is the policy of Mid-America Technology Center, that sexual harassment by any individual who is an employee or student, or who is under the jurisdiction of Mid-America Technology Center, is expressly prohibited. Persons determined to have engaged in sexual harassment of any kind shall be subject to disciplinary ac­tions, which may include suspension/ dismissal.

Any individual who believes he/ she is the victim of sexual harassment or any other form of discrimination may follow the GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE which is in­cluded in Mid-America Technology Center's Affirmative Action Plan. Two indi­viduals have been designated to receive and handle allegations of sexual harass­ment:

Dallas Krout – Director of Student Services
Amy Cornforth - Director of Instruction

Any individual who believes he/ she is the victim of sexual assault should preserve all of the evidence and should report the incident to the Administrative Office in per­son or by phone. An official report will be taken and copies will be made available to the victim and local law enforcement agencies. Victims of sexual assault may choose to report the incident to the individuals designated to receive other complaints:

Dallas Krout – Director of Student Services
Amy Cornforth - Director of Instruction

A student who has been granted permission by the Deputy Superintendent to self-administer medication pursuant to this policy shall be permitted to possess and use medication. Permission forms may be requested from an instructor or the office.

Students may not use the instructor's phone for any purpose unless it is part of the curriculum. Students needing to make calls during the school day will be directed to the Front Office. Students will not be called out of class for phone calls or visitors unless there is an emergency. Long distance calls will be made "collect." Students may ask to use the phone at the front desk in case of an emergency.

Mid-America maintains a tobacco-free campus. Prohibited items include any object or substance that may appear to be tobacco.

Student dress has become a matter of significant concern to educators; therefore, Mid-America Technology has the following student handbook policy: 

Meeting the dress requirements of potential employers in career areas is considered part of occupational training at MATC.  Students will be expected to conform to the individual clothing requirements of the training program in which they are enrolled. Specific information will be included in your classes’ syllabus or syllabi. 
Dress and personal grooming should not present health or safety problems, cause disruption of the educational process, or offend the common standard of the community. 
Students must not wear revealing clothing to school. The following guidelines on revealing clothing are examples and do not cover all situations. Students shall not wear halter tops, garments with spaghetti straps, strapless garments, or garments that are “see-through,” cut low, or expose the midriff. Sleeveless garments must extend to the end of the shoulders and fit closely under the arms. Skirts and shorts must be mid-thigh or longer. All pants must fit around the waist and be properly fastened. Undergarments must not be visible.
Sleepwear such as pajamas, house shoes, blankets, costumes, tails, fishnet stockings, capes/flags, theatrical or distracting makeup. etc. are not allowed.  Headgear, including hats, hoodies, costume wigs, fake ears, and caps are not allowed in the classrooms, hallways, and common area unless permitted for religious, medical, or other reasons by school administration. Caps/headgear for safety may be worn in some lab or shop areas. 

Students shall not wear items that contain messages that are vulgar, offensive, obscene, libelous, or politicized speech that discriminate against others on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability; that promote alcohol, drug use, or violence; or that are otherwise contrary to the school’s mission.

The purpose of a student ID badge is to ensure each student is readily identified as a student of Mid-America Technology Center, and to identify and exclude those in­dividuals who have no legitimate business on campus during the school day, and/or school activities. The wearing of the student ID badge is MANDATORY during school hours and at school activities. The safety and security of students are of paramount concern and the following regulations will be observed regarding student ID badges.

  1. All students and staff must wear an ID badge on a school-approved lanyard or badge holder. The badge must be visible at the chest level or higher from the front.
  2. The ID badge is the property of Mid-America Technology Center. Students must present their ID to any staff member who requests it.
  3. Any student who has lost or forgotten their ID will be issued a temporary badge prior to being admitted to class. Students wearing temporary badges will not be allowed to attend out of class activities or go to break.
  4. Lost or damaged ID badges will be replaced at a cost of $10.00 to the student. 
  5. Any student who has been suspended from school or placed off campus must relinquish his or her badge to an administrator.
  6. No stickers or marks will be allowed on the ID unless the stickers were issued by the school. ID badges that are permanently altered in any way will have to be replaced with a $10.00 replacement fee.
  7. Visitors to the campus will be required to sign in at the front office and receive a Visitor's Badge.

Career Tech Student Organizations sponsored by the instructor of each class, are provided to promote activities for citizenship and leadership development. The stu­dent activities during the year are sponsored by SkillsUSA, HOSA and FCCLA. These organizations are considered a very important part of technical education, and active participation is a part of every class.

Students may only compete within their primary career major divisions, Trade and Industrial Classes - SkillsUSA, Health Classes - HOSA, and Service Careers/Hospitality - FCCLA.

Student participation in community service, meetings., conferences, contest and leadership positions is supported by the teacher and administration. Involvement in CTSO activities is approved based on progress, attendance, and recommendation of the teacher. Students placing 1st in state competitions and national officer candidates may be eligible to compete in national competitions.

It is the intent of Mid-America Technology Center to support and promote adult and secondary students who participate in state skills contest sponsored by student organizations (HOSA, Skills USA). The following guidelines will be in effect for student participation and attendance at a sanctioned National Contest.

  1. First (1st) place winners who qualify according to the rules of the specific student organization will be covered for meals, lodging and qualifying expenses providing they fall within one of the categories listed below:
    1. 1st place State individual competition winners who are representing Oklahoma in their respective National competition.
    2. 1st place State team competition winners who are representing Oklahoma in their respective National competition
    3. State and/or National officers who are required to attend National Convention to fulfill their officer duties.
  2. Participating students will be required to travel with MATC personnel and remain under the supervision of MATC personnel while at the competition and on the return trip. Secondary students may be released to a parent/guardian following the competition. Adult students may be released on their own.
  3. Vehicle travel will be in school owned equipment. No students will drive themselves to or from an event.
  4. Airline travel is authorized for qualifying student and teacher sponsors. Teacher sponsors will use the district purchasing procedures for making reservations and payment (P.O.) for tickets.
  5. Mode of travel will be determined by administration based on distance and cost.
  6. Lodging arrangement will be made by Mid-America Staff. Participants will be grouped, when possible, to reduce district expense.
  7. Meals, travel and lodging for the Teacher Sponsor will be reimbursed using the district employee reimbursement policy.
  8. Registration for the event will be the responsibility Mid-America Staff A district purchase order for registration will be the mode of payment.
  9. Miscellaneous cost such as airport transportation to and from hotel, parking fees, mileage to and from the campus of enrollment to the airport, tolls, taxis, city bus/shuttles, and related contest costs are reimbursable with proper documentation.
  10. Expenses for side trips or entertainment will not be reimbursed or paid for by district funds.
  1. Overnight Stays will be considered for the following circumstances.
    1. Out of state travel.
    2. Travel more than 3 hours, 1 way.
    3. District, state, or national officer or delegates duties.
    4. Student required on-site activity before 7:00am, or after 10:00pm
    5. Unforeseen circumstances with administrative approval.
    6. Mid-America or ODCTE staff is available to be in constant supervision of student.
    7. Lodging is approved, arranged, and paid for by Mid-America or ODCTE staff.
  2. Requirements for student travel and participation in events.
    1. Student must be In Good Standing with Mid-America Technology Center.
    2. Student must have a signed permission slip in advance of travel.
    3. Students MUST be registered for events by Mid-America staff.
    4. Student registration must be paid by Mid-America Purchase Order.
    5. Student must travel in Mid-America owned, provided, or arranged vehicle.
    6. Student must be accompanied and supervised by Mid-America or ODCTE staff.
    7. Student must be required to participate or compete “in person” at the event.

It is the policy of the Mid-America Technology Center Board of Education to reimburse pre-approved itemized and necessary meal and lodging expenses incurred by school district students and sponsors involved in authorized school sponsored co-curricular activities. Student meal expenses will be covered on a per diem basis for out of state travel only.

Requests and arrangements for student travel will originate from the deputy superintendent’s office.

Travel requests will be made as early as possible and placed on the master calendar.

A requisition for reimbursement from the activity fund must be filled out for each student and signed by the teacher/sponsor.

The school will reimburse reasonable costs, subject to the availability of funds, for approved and documented lodging and meal expenses.

Claim forms for travel expenses are available in the administration office. The forms will be completed and approved on campus and hand-delivered to the business office for payment.

Student ‘‘Per Diem’’ Meal Allowance for out-of-state travel will be paid on a per meal basis for breakfast, lunch, and dinner when the student is off campus for official MATC representation.

In-State Travel: Transportation and registration will be provided for in-state travel. Per diem for meals will not be included for in-state travel.

Out-of-State - For out-of-state travel, the meal allowance will be paid based upon the rates established by the Internal Revenue Service for cities, counties, and states of travel. Reimbursement for out-of-state, is set on a per meal basis (breakfast, lunch, dinner). An agenda of the conference, meeting, or event must be attached to the claim form. Student meals provided through lodging or paid for through registration fees incurred by the district will be deducted. No meal receipts will be required for meals. 

NOTE: Field trips do not count as out-of-state-only contest or CTSO activities.

The following conditions apply:
1.    Students are not eligible for per diem unless the teacher/sponsor seeks approval in advance from the deputy superintendent.
2.    Each student must sign for their own per diem (within two weeks) in order to collect the allowance.
3.    All claim forms must be received by the 25th of the month in which they occurred.
4.    The teacher or sponsor must sign off on student claim forms.
5.    Travel must be off campus and overnight.
6.    No meal receipts will be needed but, itemized receipts for all other allowable expenses will be required for reimbursement.
7.    An agenda of the contest, meeting or event MUST be attached to the claim form.
8.    Lodging, transportation and registration will follow existing board policy and be covered by the general fund. Meals and other allowable expenses will be covered by the activity fund.
9.    Student meals provided with lodging or paid for through registration fees paid by the district will be deducted
10.    Other allowable expenses must be accompanied by a signed receipt and turned in under the same conditions as meals per diem.

Under the supervision of each instructor, every student is to become familiar with and held responsible for knowing and following the Student Conduct section of the Policies and Administrative Regulations. A complete copy of these policies is avail­able in every classroom. A few of the rules of major importance listed in the policies are repeated here:

  1. "A student shall not knowingly possess, handle, or transmit any object (including knives) that can reasonably be considered a dangerous weapon:'
  2. ''A student shall not knowingly possess, use, transmit, or be under any influence of alcohol or any drug not prescribed by a physician."
  3. ''A student shall not repeatedly fail to comply with directions of teach­ers, student teachers, substitute teachers, teacher assistants, or other au­thorized school personnel during any period of time when the student is properly under the authority of school personnel:'
  4. ''A student will not absent himself from school without a reasonable excuse. The reasonableness of the excuse shall be determined by the Deputy Superintendent."

Any student who is guilty of violating the regulations of the school may be punished by:

  1. Verbal reprimand,
  2. Restrictions from normal privileges, such as breaks,
  3. Reasonable activities/ assignments and or
  4. Detention, or
  5. Suspension from school.

The decision of the Directors or Administrators to punishment shall be final. Punish­ment 1 and 2 may be delegated by the Directors to the teacher. Every teacher in the technology center shall have the right to exercise the same authority as to conduct and behavior over the pupils attending this school, as the parents or guardians may exercise over them at home and as/ or provided by State Law.

Cell Phones and other electronic devices may be carried by students while on cam­pus, and may be used in accordance with the following policy:

  1. While in class, cell phones may not be used, students are expected to silence all cell phones and other electronic devices and store them appropriately to their teacher's policy.
  2. Students may operate devices during scheduled break times.
  3. Students may operate devices while in transit on regular school-to-­school bus routes.
  4. Students may not use personal earphones or earbuds at any time.
  5. Mid-America Technology Center is not responsible for loss or damage to cell phones or devices.
  6. In an emergency or abnormal situation, students may request, in writing, administrative approval to carry or use their cell phones.

Secondary students who fail to observe the above provisions will lose the privilege of having a device in their possession and be subject to discipline consistent with failing to observe the rules or regulations of Mid-America, which may include some type of suspension and/ or having devices being taken from the student and returned only to parent/ guardian.  Adult students who fail to observe the above provisions will lose the privilege of having a device in their possession and be subject to discipline consistent with failing to observe the rules or regulations of Mid-America, which may include device suspension.

Students who need to be contacted while at school may give the school phone num­bers to parents/guardians for immediate notification of an emergency. The follow­ing numbers activate multiple lines to Mid-America: 572-215-2060. 
When prior written consent has been given by the parent/ guardian, and Mid-America.

Director of Full-Time Programs, Director of Student Services, Director of Instruction or Deputy Superinten­dent, a student may utilize a device in compliance with the consent provisions. 

Mid-America Technology Center recognizes that genuine feelings of affection may exist between students; however, students should refrain from inappropriate intimate behaviors on campus or at school-related events. Repeated or especially inappropri­ate behavior in this regard may result in disciplinary consequences.

Under no condition will students leave the school campus without checking out through the office. Once a student has come onto the Mid-America campus, the check-out process is required to leave the campus before dismissal time. If a student leaves without permission, the student will be considered truant and be dealt with ac­cordingly. If the student needs to leave for some reason other than illness, the student is required to bring a written statement signed by the student's parents or home school principal, explaining the necessity for leaving and the time the student should be dis­missed. Fraudulent notes or notes that contain forged signatures will result in severe disciplinary action. If a note is not brought, permission by phone at the student's ex­pense is required. The student will NOT be released without permission of the parent/ guardian. All the time missed will be accumulated.

Transportation is provided from every sending high school to Mid-America Tech­nology Center. Students are encouraged to make use of this free transportation for safety and economy reasons. Students may drive private vehicles to Mid-America providing they observe the following regulations:

  1. Secondary students must be permitted to drive by their high school.
  2. All students must drive in a safe manner, observing traffic laws, and not putting others at risk.
  3. Vehicles must be parked properly in approved parking areas upon arriving, and not be moved until students are dismissed.
  4. Students will not be permitted to loiter in the parking lots, sit in cars, or go to cars during break.
  5. All vehicles parked on Mid-America's campus are subject to search.

Students who do not comply with these regulations may be restricted to riding the bus to and from Mid-America.

Oklahoma Law prohibits any person from having a firearm or any other weapon in his/her possession while on school property, or in any vehicle which is brought onto school property. Failure to comply with this law is a felony offense punishable by fine and imprisonment.

Mid-America officials will report all instances of weapons being brought on campus, to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

Any and all activities, indications or other behavior which is associated with gang affiliation is strictly prohibited at Mid-America Technology Center.

Breaks will be taken at posted times and places not to exceed 10 minutes in length per session. Students may not take breaks in cars, in the parking lot, or at any place other than the assigned areas. Each student is requested to cooperate at all times in keeping the break areas and the grounds clean and attractive.

Class Hours:
Morning session – 8:10 – 11:10 a.m.
Afternoon session – 12:45 – 3:45 p.m.

Students are responsible for the care of all school-owned books, tools and equip­ment. When books are damaged, a rebinding fee will be charged. If books or tools are lost or destroyed, the purchase price of the said article will be charged.

The Academic Center provides materials and instruction and remediation in math­ematics, reading, language arts, and communication skills, through a variety of means. The goal is to assist students with the skills necessary to be successful in his or her chosen career.

Upon request of the sending high school, it is the policy of the Mid-America Tech­nology Center to provide homebound instruction at district expense for students who are receiving homebound instruction in accordance with their high school's homebound eligibility requirements.

Student Services provides information related to career choices, college and ad­vanced technical school entrance requirements, and information concerning job op­portunities. Assistance in actual job placement for students completing programs is also available.

Career and personal counseling services are available as needed. Students may take advantage of these services at any time but must check-out through their instructor. All students seeking counseling services or being referred by instructors should re­port to the Student Services Office. Interest inventories, testing, and referral services may be obtained upon request of students.

All high school students are encouraged to participate in student accident insurance available to schools. If your local high school does not provide this service, please contact your instructor at Mid-America or the Deputy Superintendent for information concerning student insurance. The school does not carry insurance covering student accidents and is not liable. It is the responsibility of the student and/or the parent or guardian to make provision for this situation.

Transportation will be provided to each of the high schools in the area, or to such other locations as may be agreed upon by the Board of Education. Students will be expected to conduct themselves on the school bus the same as in the classroom. The driver has the same authority as the instructor. Transportation for adult students may be provided through arrangements by the Deputy Superintendent.

Students who have disabilities, including those with mobility limitations, speech, hearing or sight impairment, learning, or other disabilities covered by the Rehabilita­tion Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, may receive reason­able educational accommodations.

To request accommodations, students with disabilities must go directly to the Student Services Office where all disabilities must be verified with supporting documentation. Student responsibilities may include:

  • Obtaining psychological/ educational testing
  • Providing other verifying documents
  • Private tutoring ( the Tech does provide the Academic Center where tutoring is available to all students)
  • Personal attendant services, Le. wheelchair attendants.

Contact the Student Services Office for information on documentation needs and services available. Students are advised to make their request well in advance of the beginning of classes ( especially advisable if the accommodation requires a textbook in an alternative format). Inquiries about reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities can be directed to the Student Services Office at 572-215-2060 x7604.

Students with disabilities wishing to appeal decisions regarding accommodations planned or provided may request a grievance form from the office of the Non-Dis­crimination officer. Call 572-215-2060 x7601 to request the form.

Financial Aid is available for post-secondary adult students only. MATC participates in the Federal Pell Grant, Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant, sponsorships, and various scholarships. For more information, contact Karen Hemmerling, Director of Federal Programs.

MATC is an approved school in which eligible veterans may use their V.A. educational benefits. For a copy of the V.A. Bulletin (Handbook) or for more information contact Karen Hemmerling, Director of Federal Programs

Parents of secondary students may request an opportunity to inspect and review any and all official record files and data directly related to their child. This request is to be submitted in writing to the Deputy Superintendent, who will then notify the parents that they may inspect said records giving the date for the review. The date will be set as soon after the request is feasible and possible.

Mid-America Technology Center will not release personally identifiable records or files of students under the age of 18, without the written consent of their parents. When any student has attained 18 years of age, the permission to review or consent to release records and files shall only be accorded to and required of, the student.

Suspension From High School

Any secondary student suspended from the home school is automatically suspended from Mid-America Technology Center and will not be reinstated until Mid-America receives official notification that the student is reinstated in the home school.

Procedure Of Suspension Of Secondary Students

The Director of Full-Time Programs, Director of Student Services, Director of Instruction, or the Deputy Superintendent shall suspend the student in the following manner: 

  1. When a student violates board policy or a school rule or regulation, the administrator shall conduct an informal conference to discuss the policy, rule or regulation and the conduct which is in violation of the policy, rule or regulation. The student will be asked whether he/she understands the policy, rule or regulation and be given full opportunity to explain and discuss his/her conduct.
  2. If it is concluded that suspension is appropriate, the student shall be advised that he/she is being suspended and the length of the suspension. Attempts will be made by phone and in writing to notify the student and his/her parents or guardians and the home school principal, stating the reason for the suspension, the term of the suspension, and the student's right of hearing before the Superintendent.
  3. A student may be suspended without a conference if the conduct of the student reasonably indicates that the continued presence of the student will constitute an immediate danger or substantial disruption of the educational process.

Procedure Of Appeal For Secondary Students

  1. A student suspended for a period of ten (10) or fewer days is entitled to all pre-appeal rights presently accorded by the technology center's pol­icy to students who have been suspended for periods of greater than ten (10) school days. A student who has been given a short-term suspension and that student's parents have a right to appeal a suspension decision to a committee composed of administrators and/ or instructors. An appeal to the committee can be requested by letter to the administrator received within five (5) calendar days following the parent or students' receipt of the suspension notice. Upon receipt of a timely appeal, the administrator shall confirm that the suspension falls within the category of suspensions reserved to the committee.
  2. A parent or the student may appeal the administrator's suspension decision for a suspension of more than ten (10) school days to the superintendent and, following the appeal to the superintendent, to the board of education, or if appointed by the board, a hearing officer. A letter to the superintendent requesting an appeal must be received within five (5) calendar days after the administrator's suspension decision is received by the parent or student. The superintendent should hold a conference with the parent as soon as possible after receipt of the appeal to discuss the policy, rule or regulation and the conduct which is in violation of the policy, rule or regulation. At the conclusion the superintendent will state whether the suspension will be termi­nated or modified.

Procedure Of Suspension Of Post-Secondary Students

The Director of Full-Time Programs, Director of Student Services, Director of Instruction, or the Deputy Superintendent shall suspend the student in the following manner: 

  1. When a student violates board policy or a school rule or regulation, the administrator shall conduct an informal conference to discuss the policy, rule or regulation and the conduct which is in violation of the policy, rule or regulation. The student will be asked whether he/she understands the policy, rule or regulation and be given full opportu­nity to explain and discuss his/her conduct.
  2. If it is concluded that suspension is appropriate, the student shall
    be advised that he/ she is being suspended and the length of the suspension.
  3. A student may be suspended without a conference if the conduct of the student reasonably indicates that the continued presence of the student will constitute an immediate danger or substantial disruption of the educational process.

Procedure Of Appeal For Post-Secondary Students

If all or any portion of the administrator's decision is not agreed to, the student has the right to appeal the decision to the superintendent by letter within 72 hours of the decision rendered by the administrator. The superintendent shall have the author­ity to sustain, overrule, or modify the administrator's decision. The decision of the superintendent shall be final.

Reentry after being dismissed for failure to follow attendance policies or unsatisfactory conduct.

Students who are dismissed from MATC due to violation of attendance policy or unsatisfactory conduct can apply for readmission the following semester provided that the student has a conference with an administrator or an administrator designee (and guardian if a high school student). The conference will determine the student's ability to be successful in their course of study.

Tuition Policy

In-district students under the age of 22 will be awarded the Next Step Scholarship, for students in good standing, which covers tuition in all full-time programs except Practical Nursing and Lineworker. Practical Nursing and Lineworker students may qualify for the Next Step Scholarship by completing a Next Step Scholarship application after all financial aid is applied for and exhausted. There will be no tuition for in-district students 65 years or older for regular daytime programs. In-district adult students, who are 62 years old through 64 years old, at the beginning of the semester, will be charged one half-dollar ($.50) per clock-hour of training. All other students will be charged one dollar ($1.00) per clock-hour of training. Tuition will be determined by the ODCTE for our out-of-district secondary students.

Half of the tuition is due on or before the fifteenth day of the student's scheduled start date. The other half is due on or before half of the scheduled hours for the career ma­jor in which the student is enrolled. Students not paying tuition within the scheduled time frame may be withdrawn and/ or not enrolled the following semester.

Refund Policy For Full-time Career Majors

  1. Students who withdraw on or before the 1st day of class through the 15th day of the period in which they were charged are eligible for a 100% refund of tuition only.
  2. After the 15th day of the period in which they were charged, NO refund will be issued.
  3. Nonattendance of classes does not constitute official withdrawal. The stu­dent must complete an official withdrawal form in order to be eligible for a refund.
  4. A refund request will not be approved unless all financial obligations to the technology center have been met.

Note: Fees, books, supplies, and uniforms are non-refundable. 

Federal Financial Aid Refund Policy

In addition to MATC's refund policy, students receiving Title IV Federal Financial Aid are subject to the following: 
The institution must determine the amount of federal financial aid to return based on a pro-rata basis. If the student withdraws before completing more than 60% of the payment period, the student must return unearned funds (see the finan­cial aid office for detailed calculations). The student will be billed for any unearned funds including the amount of institutional charges (tuition, fees, books, supplies) the school had to return on the student's behalf.

Students are NOT permitted to bring visitors. Visitors wishing to tour our facilities should make arrangements with the Directors prior to the time they wish to tour. Visitors to the campus will be required to sign in at the front office and receive a Visitor's Badge.

All students who desire to terminate their course of training must obtain a With­drawal Record from the Student Services Office. This form must be completed and signed by the instructor, and then returned to the office, before the student receives official clearance from the school. Secondary students should also make arrange­ments for withdrawal from their home schools.

At the end of the school year, or at the time of withdrawal from school, it is the stu­dent's responsibility to have the instructor verify that the student has completed the aca­demic requirements and returned all school-owned books, tools, and equipment. Finan­cial obligations must be fulfilled before grades or certification of training can be released.

Some policies and procedures may differ for the Practical Nursing program. Please refer to the Practical Nursing Program Policy and Student Handbook.

The technology center board adopts the following requirements addressing drug and alcohol use by students and employees, to comply with Section 22(b)(l) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (20 U.S.C.§ 3224a).

  1. The technology center has adopted and shall maintain, as part of its curriculum drug and alcohol education and prevention programs which clearly convey that the use and possession of illicit drugs and the use of alcohol are wrong and harmful.
  2. The technology center has adopted and shall maintain manda­tory standards of conduct and disciplinary sanctions applicable to all students regarding the use of drugs and alcohol.
  3. Violation of this policy may be drawn from specific objective and articulable facts and reasonable inferences drawn from those facts in light of experience, and may be based upon, among other things:
    • Observable phenomena, such as physical symptoms or mani­festations of being under the influence of alcohol or a drug, or direct observation of alcohol or drug use while on technol­ogy center property, at a technology center sponsored event, in technology center vehicles, or going to or from a technology center sponsored event.
    • A report of drug or alcohol use while on technology center property, at a technology center sponsored event, in technology center vehicles, or going to or from a technology center spon­sored event, provided by reliable and credible sources.
    • Evidence that a student has tampered with an alcohol or drug test.
    • Evidence that a student is involved in the use, possession, sale, solicitation or transfer of alcohol or drugs while on technology center property, at a technology center sponsored event, in tech­nology center vehicles, or going to or from a technology center sponsored event.

A trained employee of Mid-America Technology Center may apply a simple neuro­logical procedure by examining the pupillary response to light and the muscle functions of the student's eyes. This procedure, often referred to as the Rapid Eye Test (RET), is used in athletic programs to determine if brain function has been impaired because of injury, illness or disease. The RET will be performed in private, and when possible in the presence of another employee of Mid-America Technology Center.

If neurological abnormalities are detected, regardless of the cause, the parent or guardian of the student will be immediately contacted. If no contact can be made, the student will remain in Administrative care for the remainder of the class period. The aforementioned behaviors, as well as the neurological examination, may be sufficient reasonable suspicion to search for illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia in the student's clothing, locker, or automobile.

In addition to local, State, and general Federal statutes that make it a crime to possess or distribute a controlled substance, there are special Federal laws designed to protect children and schools from drugs.

An important part of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 makes it a Federal Crime to sell drugs in or near a public or private elementary or secondary school. Under this new ''schoolhouse" law, sales within 1,000 feet of school grounds are punishable by up to double the sentence that would apply if the sale occurred elsewhere. Even more serious mandatory penalties are available for repeat offenders.

Distribution or sale to minors of controlled substances is also a Federal crime. When anyone over age 21 sells drugs to anyone under 18, the seller runs the risk that he will receive up to double the sentence that would apply to a sale to an adult. Here too, more serious penalties can be imposed on repeat offenders.

Students and/or employees who violate Mid-America's policy for a Drug-Free School and Workplace, as one option for disciplinary action, may be placed on probation, pending satisfactory participation in an appropriate drug/alcohol abuse treatment program, at the students/ employee's expense. Information concerning available counseling and treatment programs, both private and public, will be provided through the Student Services Office. In addition, a listing of programs available in each county will be provided and available in each program classroom/office and in student/employee lounges. Full-time employees needing services of this type are encouraged to use the health insurance benefits.

Individuals who desire information or referral from another source should contact the Department of Mental Health at the following phone numbers: Oklahoma City Reach­Out 405-271-2444, Teen-line (12 noon - 12 midnight) 1-800-525-Teen, and the Hotline 1-800-522-9054. This agency provides referral, education, and advocacy services at no cost, on a statewide basis.


The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), following a 1nandate issued by United States Senate, has established the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) which clearly defines guidelines for the identification and monitoring of as­bestos containing grade twelve. In order to comply with these regulations, we have two certified inspectors and management planners on staff to conduct our inspection and complete our Management Planner report. All personnel utilized for inspection are certified by the Oklahoma State Department of Health guidelines and have performed the in­spection in a specific manner.

The inspection procedure is accomplished by employing specialized training skills and equipment Asbestos Containing Materials continued in such a way as to assure the elimination of risk to building occupants while sampling is being con­ducted. All sampling of suspect materials was accomplished in the absence of students and occu­pants within the facility in order to further assure that any potential for exposure was precluded. Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) were found in the school, the results of which may be obtained from the Director of Operations of Mid-America Technology Center and who is serving as Asbestos Coordinator. In order to further satisfy requirements of AHERA, there has been a management plan developed for Mid-America and at this time, has been submitted to the Oklahoma State Department of Health and approved. The plan addresses Asbestos Containing Materials found and identified in three ways.

  1. Identification of ACM
  2. Definition of procedures for controlling ACM, and 
  3. Re-inspection and re-assessment of ACM

Again, specific information with regard to this notification may be obtained from the Director of Operations (405) 449-3391.

Copyright and fair use laws must be respected at all times. Trademarks such as logos, slogans, and digital content such as art, music, or photographs, may require permission from the copyright owner.  It is the responsibility of the employee to seek permission for any such trademarked content.

In order to successfully complete their program, students will need to meet the technical and academic standards of their program. Mid-America offers rigorous programs of study designed in cooperation with business and industry to ensure students are fully prepared for the demands of the workplace.

Students enrolled in a full-time program will receive a completion certificate and considered graduated from their course of study if the following has been accomplished:

  1. Student is in compliance with MATC attendance policy.
  2. Students have no outstanding debt, such as tuition, books, etc...
  3. Students have at least a 70% average in MATC coursework.

Upon prior approval, the Superintendent or his/her designee has the authority to review any special circumstances which may allow the student to participate in the awards ceremonies.

The Mid-America Technology Center respects and values student activism. The technology center takes pride in our students’ interactions with social and political issues, viewing it as a desirable, if not essential, component of civic engagement and, therefore, adopts the following policy.


The outdoor areas of any campus of the technology center are deemed public forums for the campus community, and the technology center will not create "free speech zones" or other designated areas of campus outside of which expressive activities are prohibited. The technology center may maintain and enforce reasonable time, place and manner restrictions narrowly tailored in service of a significant institutional interest when the restrictions employ clear, published, content- and viewpoint-neutral criteria and provide for ample alternative means of expression. Any such restrictions shall allow for members of the campus community to spontaneously and contemporaneously assemble and distribute literature. Nothing in this paragraph shall be interpreted as applying to student expression taking place elsewhere on campus.

Any person who wishes to engage in noncommercial expressive activity on campus shall be permitted to do so freely, as long as the person's conduct is not unlawful and does not materially and substantially disrupt the functioning of the technology center.

Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted as preventing the technology center from prohibiting, limiting or restricting expression that the First Amendment does not protect or prohibiting harassment as defined in this policy.

Nothing in this policy shall enable individuals to engage in conduct that intentionally, materially and substantially disrupts another person's expressive activity if that activity is occurring in a campus space reserved for that activity under the exclusive use or control of a particular group.

Nothing in this policy shall prohibit the technology center from maintaining and enforcing reasonable time, place and manner restrictions that are narrowly tailored to serve a significant institutional interest only when such restrictions employ clear, published, content- and viewpoint-neutral criteria.  Any such restrictions shall allow for members of the campus community to spontaneously and contemporaneously assemble, speak and distribute literature.

The technology center will make public in its student handbook, on its websites and through its orientation programs for students the policies, regulations and expectations of students regarding free expression on campus consistent with this policy.

The technology center will develop materials, programs and procedures to ensure that those persons who have responsibility for discipline or education of students, including but not limited to administrators, campus police officers, and instructors, understand the policies, regulations and duties of the technology center regarding free expression on campus.

Reporting Requirement

By December 31 each year, the technology center will publicly post on its website and submit to the Governor and Legislature a report that details the course of action implemented to comply with the provisions a report which details the course of action implemented to be in compliance with the requirements of 70 O.S. §2120.  A report shall also be submitted in the instance of any changes or updates to the chosen course of action.  The report provided on the website shall be:

  1. Accessible from the technology center's website home page by use of not more than three links;
  2. Searchable by key words and phrases; and
  3. Accessible to the public without requiring registration or use of a user name, password or another user identification.

The technology center’s report will include the following information:

  1. a description of any barriers to or incidents of disruption of free expression occurring on campus, including but not limited to attempts to block or prohibit speakers and investigations into students or student organizations for their speech.  The description shall include the nature of each barrier or incident, as well as what disciplinary action, if any, was taken against members of the campus community determined to be responsible for those specific barriers or incidents involving students without revealing those students' personally identifiable information, and
  2. any other information the technology center deems valuable for the public to evaluate whether free expression rights for all members of the campus community have been equally protected and enforced.

In the event the technology center is sued for an alleged violation of First Amendment rights, a supplementary report, with a copy of the complaint or amended complaint, will be submitted to the Governor and the Legislature within thirty (30) days.


"Campus community" means students, administrators, faculty and staff at the technology center and their invited guests;

“Expressive activities” include, but are not limited to, any lawful verbal, written, audio-visual or electronic means by which individuals may communicate ideas to one another, including all forms of peaceful assembly, protests, speeches and guest speakers, distribution of literature, carrying signs and circulating petitions.

"Harassment" means only that expression that is unwelcome, so severe, pervasive and subjectively and objectively offensive that a student is effectively denied equal access to educational opportunities or benefits provided by the technology center.

"Materially and substantially disrupts" means when a person, with the intent to or with knowledge of doing so, significantly hinders another person's or group's expressive activity, prevents the communication of the message or prevents the transaction of the business of a lawful meeting, gathering or procession by:

  1. engaging in fighting, violent or other unlawful behavior, or
  2. physically blocking or using threats of violence to prevent any person from attending, listening to, viewing or otherwise participating in an expressive activity. Conduct that "materially disrupts" shall not include conduct that is protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Section 22 of Article 2 of the Oklahoma Constitution. Such protected conduct includes but is not limited to lawful protests in the outdoor areas of campus generally accessible to the members of the public, except during times when those areas have been reserved in advance for other events, or minor, brief or fleeting nonviolent disruptions of events that are isolated and short in duration;

"Outdoor areas of campus" means the generally accessible outside areas of campus where members of the campus community are commonly allowed, such as grassy areas, walkways or other similar common areas and does not include outdoor areas where access is restricted from a majority of the campus community.

"Student organization" means an officially recognized group at the technology center, or a group seeking official recognition, comprised of admitted students that receive or are seeking to receive benefits at the technology center.

Reference:     Okla. Stat. tit. 70, § 2120

Consumer Information

Mid-America Technology Center offers more than 30 full-time career majors and numerous adult and career development courses in the evening that repre­sent many of the high-demand trades in the region. It is our mission, "To provide a competitive advantage for workforce and economic growth through quality education and training. "

Located on our home page at www.matech.edu you will find the Consumer Information Guide. 
Contents of the guide include information on the file below.

For more information regarding Consumer Information or for a hard copy of the Consumer Information Guide, contact Karen Hemmerling, Director of Federal Programs Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm.