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CONSUMER INFORMATION (Annual Notice of Disclosures)

Mid-America Technology Center offers over 33 full-time career majors and numerous adult and career development courses in the evening that represent many of the high-demand trades in the region.  It is our mission, “To enrich economic growth by providing quality education and training.”

Contents of the Consumer Information Guide include information on the following:

  • Facilities-including name, location, square footage,  faculty and programs

  • Entities that License and Accredit

  • Rights and Responsibilities of Recipients including Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Student Services Available

  • Description of Special Services and Facilities for Disabled Students

  • Assessment Center

  • Dropout Recovery (GED)

  • Academic Enhancement

  • Counseling Services

  • College Services

Financial Assistance Available Including the Following:

  • Title IV Programs including Basic Eligibility Requirements, Definitions, Application Procedures,

  • Eligibility  Requirements, Criteria for Selection and Methods and Frequency of Disbursements

  • Definition of a Regular Student

  • How to Apply for Federal Student Aid

  • How Need is Determined including Federal Needs Analysis, Use of Professional Judgment and

  • Institutional Costs & NetPrice Calculator

  • Academic Year Definition – 900 clock hours/26 weeks

  • Other Programs Available Including Scholarships, Sponsorships, and Veterans Educational Assistance

  • Satisfactory Progress including How to Maintain Eligibility, Transfer Students, Withdrawals or

  • Incompletes and Repeating Coursework

  • Institutional Information – including School Refund Policy, Return of Title IV Funds Refund Policy, Period of Enrollment, Overpayments and Post-Withdrawal Disbursements

  • Verification Policies and Procedures for Recipients of Title IV Financial Aid

  • Drug and Alcohol Policies, Programs Available and Penalties for Violations

  • Student Completion, Graduation, Placement, Retention Rates & Diversity

  • Campus Security including Crime Statistics for Criminal Offenses, Hate Crimes and Arrests for the following:  Murder, Negligent Manslaughter, Sex Offenses, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft, Arson, and referrals for disciplinary actions, including:  liquor law violations, and weapons possession, hate crimes, including:  number and type, larceny-theft, assault, intimidation, vandalism, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking

  • Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures, Whistleblower Protection, Disciplinary Proceedings and Violence Against Women

  • Cybersecurity and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)

  • Copyright Infringement and Peer to Peer File Sharing Policies

  • Textbook Information & Opt Out Policies

  • Constitution Day and Voter Registration

  • Program Licensure and Certifications

  • Vaccination Policies

  • Scholarship/Financial Aid Fraud

  • NSLDS & Loans

  • Misrepresentation

  • Return to Title IV Worksheets and Sample Calculations

  • Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Formula

  • Validity of High School Diploma/GED

  • Student Complaint to State Accrediting Agency (Oklahoma Dept. of Career & Tech Ed)

  • Consumer Information Disclosures at a Glance

For more information regarding Consumer Information or for a hard copy of the Consumer Information Guide, contact Melinda Simpson, Financial Aid Coordinator in the Health Building at 572-215-2060.