Business Training Services » Leadership Mid-America

Leadership Mid-America


“To Develop and Unite Regional Leaders”


Provide the knowledge and tools to those who desire a deeper understanding of leadership and will apply it in their places of business and community.
Acquaint individuals with the areas’ businesses, amenities, communities, and opportunities for growth.
Develop and sharpen leadership skills and techniques.
Promote regional collaboration and cooperation.


Leadership Mid-America is a program designed to seek out leaders and potential leaders in the Mid-America District and prepare them for positions of responsibility in their profession as well as their community.  The necessary skills are developed through a series of sessions which include the following topics:

  • Setting Personal Goals
  • Leadership Styles
  • Interpersonal Skills & Team Building
  • Communication & Public Speaking
  • Area Business & Industry
  • Community Economic Development
  • Civic & Human Service Opportunities
  • Local History & Tourism
  • School Boards & Education
  • Local & State Government

Classes are held in a location that best relates to the topic. As with all worthwhile endeavors, this program requires a definite commitment of time on the part of each participant. Attendance is mandatory for successful completion of the program.

Classes generally meet from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month beginning in September and ending in April.

The tuition for the program is $300. Payment can be made by personal or corporate check.  Tuition covers all snacks, meals, program material, speakers, transportation and the graduation banquet.  Businesses and organizations are encouraged to pay the tuition of their participants and most do — this is between the participant and the employer.


Leadership Mid-America held it’s first class in the fall of 1997.  Since it’s beginning, the program has graduated over 225 leaders.  Graduates of the program come from and currently work in financial institutions, libraries, healthcare, public service, fundraising, manufacturing , the oil & gas industry and many more.


A minimum of 4 times per year, past graduates of Leadership Mid-America get together for fellowship and networking.  Here is where stories are swapped, memories are re-lived and business is ventured.  Come be part of the family!


Program participants reside or work in the Mid-America Technology Center district.

Each year 12 applicants are selected for the program.  Selection criteria includes diversity of professional experiences, location of residence and/or work and personal leadership goals. LMA tries to build the classes to ensure that the experience ensures the sharing of knowledge of multiple industries, organizations and communities.

Upon course completion, LMA Graduates offer a diverse insight and regional network of resources to take on the challenges ahead. Due to the need for diversity in each class, failure to be chosen does not necessarily indicate an individual is unsuitable for the program.  Those who are not selected are encouraged to reapply for the next class.  Any individual 25 or older may apply.

LMA Board Members


Leadership Mid-America is a program designed to seek out leaders and potential leaders in the Mid-America Technology Center school district and prepare them for positions of responsibility in their profession as well as in their community.

LMA is an outgrowth of the Mid-America Business & Industry Council.  It is a non-profit organization, guided by a board of directors, and supported by area businesses and organizations.