Audio/Video & Communication Trades » Multimedia Specialist

Multimedia Specialist

The Multimedia program prepares students for the field of interactive multimedia. The students use “state of the art” Adobe software to create and edit: websites, videos, graphics, animation, and basic 3D designs. The program also covers industry-standard photography and video principles such as camera handling and design strategies. Customer service, marketing, project management and professionalism are also included in the curriculum. Successfully completing the program allows the student to develop skills required for the Adobe ACA industry certifications.

Morning session – 8:10 – 11:10 a.m.
Afternoon session – 12:45 – 3:45 p.m.

Career Major Name:  Multimedia Specialist
Clock Hours/Weeks of Instruction: 900/34
Normal Completion Time:  34 weeks for full-time status

College Credit:
Prior Learning Assessment

Required Courses:

  • Broadcast Production
  • Career Major Capstone
  • Career Readiness
  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Media Production
  • Fundamentals of Technology
  • Fundamentals of Web Design
  • Multimedia and Image Management Techniques
  • Non-Linear Digital Production
  • Photography

Career Opportunities:

  • Audio Editor
  • Interactive Media Specialist
  • Layout Designer
  • Photographer
  • Video Editor
  • Video Producer
  • Video Production Assistant
  • Web Designer
  • Web Specialist
  • Webmaster

For more information on occupations go to

Application Process:
High school students see your home school counselor
Adults contact Mid-America Admissions Coordinators 572-215-2060

Average Salary:

OSBCTE (Oklahoma State Board of Career & Technology Education)


ODCTE Competency Certification

  • Fundamentals of Technology
  • Production Assistant
  • Production Artist
  • Editor

**CTSO: SkillsUSA

**Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO)