Agriculture Trades » Horticulture Technician

Horticulture Technician

This class introduces students to safe practices, use of tools and equipment, planting techniques, plant care, safe uses of chemicals, and testing soil as related to the horticulture industry.  Also, students will learn plant history, harmony, unity, color, balance, proportion, scale, focal point, rhythm line, form space, depth, texture, and mechanics of floral design.

Morning session – 8:10 – 11:10 a.m.
Afternoon session – 12:45 – 3:45 p.m.

Career Major Name:  Horticulture Technician
Clock Hours/Weeks of Instruction:  900/34
Normal Completion Time:  34 weeks for full-time status

Required Courses:

  • Career Readiness
  • Floral Design
  • Floriculture Production
  • Greenhouse Management
  • Greenhouse Operations
  • Horticulture Busines Management
  • Horticulture Operations
  • Landscape Design
  • Landscape InstallationC
  • Workforce Staging 1
  • Workforce Staging 2

Career Opportunities:

  • Florist/Floral Sales
  • Landscape Designer
  • Garden Center Employee
  • Landscape Maintenance
  • Landscape Contractor
  • Greenhouse Employee
  • Nursery Employee

For more information on occupations go to

Application Process:
High school students see home school counselor
Adults contact Mid-America recruiters 572-215-2060

Average Salary:

OSBCTE (Oklahoma State Board of Career & Technology Education)


ODCTE Competency Certification

  • Intro to Horticulture
  • Florist Assistant
  • Nursery Technician

Oklahoma State Floral Association

  • Oklahoma Master Florist Certification

**CTSO: SkillsUSA

**Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO)